
March 25, 2008

Institutional Change

This article has some age on it, but I read about it on a plane last week and I've been thinking about it ever since...

More teenagers ignoring CDs, report says

Two interesting points to me:

  • 48% of teenagers bought zero CDs in 2007
  • iTunes is the number two music retailer in the United States, behind Wal-Mart

My entire life has included the ritual of physically going to the record store on Tuesdays to see what new records are available...something that the new generations will likely never know. I'm not nostalgic...just fascinated at how technology evolves over time, and the effect that change has on people's lives.

The lesson for enterprise architecture practitioners: don't get too directly enamored to any specific technology, because it could go away - better to be well-versed in theory and logical application so that the technology becomes simply another tool in your toolbox.


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