
April 15, 2008

Boom, Baby

This just in from the too-arcane-to-be-true department:

Blue Jeans Cable Strikes Back

No one could ever accuse me of following the patent activity of stereo connector cables, but this appears to be a common tactic of Monster Cable - apparently containing a roomful of lawyers looking for work. This response is classic both in terms of its completeness and its snark. A hearty "scha-wing!" and two thumbs up from Lemon Curry Land, Mr. Denke!

April 10, 2008

An Opposing View

With respect to yesterday's post on Windows, here's an alternate viewpoint:

Gartner: Windows collapsing under its own weight; Radical change needed

The last line of the post tells the whole story for me...
It’ll take longer than folks think.

I remember people saying this about Windows for over a decade. Does this indicate that Windows is stronger than people think, or that corporate inertia is stronger than people realize?

April 09, 2008

Fire Away

Preston, why did you do this to yourself?

Five reasons why Vista beats Mac OS X

The flames in the comment section do a great job in refuting this "article," but please feel free to add to them if you know the truth. For my part, as a recent convert to Mac, I can only say that I have many fewer software problems, my machine is MUCH faster, and I'm using Parallels (WinXP) a great deal less than I thought I would. Everything is simply of higher quality. I don't regret the move at all, and I feel I still have a lot to learn to make my MacBook even better.

So there!

April 08, 2008

Hoo, Boy

You don't see the PeopleSoft name in the press too much any more, but this article brings back some bad memories...

Yahoo seems headed the way of PeopleSoft

One of the beauties, and the downfalls, of the current climate in America is that people can pretty much say anything they want to and have virtually no repercussions if it's inaccurate or derogatory. I wonder if this author's text would be any different if, say, her job was on the line about the innuendo and false perception she uses about the Oracle-PeopleSoft situation. I submit that this sort of character assassination had as much to do with PeopleSoft's downfall as Conway's reckless tongue...

Yeah, I know, I'm throwing some stuff out too, but I don't work for CBS MarketWatch...

Couldn't Have Said It Better

(h/t User-Centric Enterprise Architecture)

HP and Enterprise Architecture

Thanks, Andy - This was my first blogread of the day, and I love starting my day like this. (Sorry about the printer hassle - I feel for ya, bro) I've had some exposure to Deming, but now I have another person's work to investigate.

Juran's work on the Pareto Principle shows itself all the time - I find in software implementation that people spend way too much time on the 20% of things that could happen instead of the 80% of things that do happen, as if the majority of things just happen by themselves. Better to spend at least as much time on the "normal" as you do on the "unusual"...

April 07, 2008

An End to Wrap Rage?

One can only hope...

An End to Wrap Rage?

I can't tell you how many times I've been opening up these "oysters" and thought to myself that I could easily end up in the hospital...I'm sorry to hear (but not surprised) that it actually happens...

April 03, 2008

Words of Wisdom

(via Intelligent Enterprise)

Lessons From IBM, SAP Legal Imbroglios

Nothing new under the sun here, folks, but it somewhat amazes me that these things still happen after twenty years of ERP implementations. Personally, I've been in too many finger-pointing meetings with legal representation present...

I sometimes wonder why we're all not speaking German in the ERP world by now, but I see these stories and I'm reminded...

April 01, 2008

Somebody Beat Me To It

(Updated below)

I Google For You!

I get these requests all the time - I just don't have venture-capital backing (any entrepreneurs reading?)...

Update 3 April 2008:

What happened when I Googled For You